Übersicht - Musik und Lautsprecher - Adam Hall XLR 3-Pol Male Stecker massivpin
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Adam Hall XLR 3-Pol Male Stecker massivpin

Adam Hall XLR 3-Pol Male Stecker massivpin
XLR Stecker 3-Pol Adam Hall XLR 3-Pol Male Stecker massivpin: The AC series XLR male connector features the unique Australian design and patented Jaws cable retention system which will handle up to 100lb (44kg) of strain. Precision stamped Solder or Solderless (IDC) are offered in the range. The Solderless IDC connector offers savings of up to 60% in termination time and are ideal for manufacturers or field technicians. The AC series connector can be quickly and easily assembled without screws - by hand or portable termination tool T2860. Kabel Kabel Einzekomponenten AC3MM Versand 5 Euro
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Adam Hall XLR 3-Pol Male Stecker massivpin
