Übersicht - Musik und Lautsprecher - Adam Hall EP 4-Pol Stecker Male Metall
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Adam Hall EP 4-Pol Stecker Male Metall

Adam Hall EP 4-Pol Stecker Male Metall
Hochleistungsverbinder 4-Pol Adam Hall EP 4-Pol Stecker Male Metall: The EP Series incorporates a rugged zinc diecast shell to give it maximum durability when used in demanding situations. Five different contact configurations are available. The EP cable connector cable flex relief design minimises cable bend stress at point of entry into the connector housing. Two different cable relief sizes are supplied with each connector. The cable Clamp is capable of supporting cables from 9mm (0.35) to 16mm (0.63) in diameter. Kabel Kabel Einzekomponenten AEP412 Versand 5 Euro
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Adam Hall EP 4-Pol Stecker Male Metall
