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t.c. electronic PlugIn Dynamic EQ

t.c. electronic PlugIn Dynamic EQ
PowerCore PlugIn t.c. electronic PlugIn Dynamic EQ: Neben der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Software können PowerCore-Anwender auf eine ständig wachsende Auswahl hochwertiger Plug-Ins von TC und anderen renommierten Herstellern zugreifen; darunter Sony Oxford, Access, Waldorf, Novation, Dsound, Noveltech and TC-Helicon. Weitere Angebote sind bereits in der Entwicklung. Dynamic EQ is a new tool for any mixing or mastering situation. This virtual processor eliminates the shortcomings of static EQ by providing a dynamically applied equalization. The Dynamic EQ plug-in offers up to four definable bands working either in static or dynamic mode, or in a mixture of both. Each of the bands can be configured as a parametric EQ or as a high or low shelving filter. The sidechain bands can be unlinked from the processing bands, so the high frequency content of a mix can control the low-end and vice versa. The pristine processing of this plug-in is all in 48-bit double precision, and may even be used in a phase linear mode, that is generous with transparent results. Dynamic EQ represents a new generation of mastering tools for the PowerCore platform and this virtual processor eliminates the shortcomings of static EQ by providing a marriage between dynamics processing and EQ. Comp. Hard- & Software Software Audio- und FX Plugins
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t.c. electronic PlugIn Dynamic EQ
