Übersicht - Musik und Lautsprecher - Vicoustic ISO Underfloor 15
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Vicoustic ISO Underfloor 15

Vicoustic ISO Underfloor 15
Hocheffizient, um Trittschall zu verhindern - 15m. Vicoustic ISO Underfloor 15: The ISO Underfloor is a highly efficient solution in the treatment of structural noise at floor level. It ensures a high level of isolation by diminishing the sound emitted from joins between the floor and the rest of the construction. The ISO Underfloor is an affordable, high performance product which is indispensable in modern construction projects.Product Technical Information Fire Rating: M1 STC: 27 Rw (dB) Dimensions - 15m x 1.5 m Applications Home Theatres, Listening Rooms, Recording and Broadcast Studios, Post Production Studios, Lecture Halls, Distance Learning Rooms, etc.  Studio & Recording Studioakustik Studioakustik dämmmaterial Versand 0 Euro
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Vicoustic ISO Underfloor 15

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