Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Brawl: Ting Ting (Limited) (engl.)
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Brawl: Ting Ting (Limited) (engl.)

Brawl: Ting Ting (Limited) (engl.)
You Need: A different deck for each playerTing Ting is not boxed and she contains no rulebook. Ting Ting has one unique card; the Wild Block; as well as a very competitive assortment of Hits; Clears; and Doubles.Note: This version of Ting Ting will be unique in its design even if we do a Ting Ting deck in the Shadowfist expansion. In case that matters.BRAWL is a real time card game played at high speed. Each deck is a different character with a unique mix of cards; and each player needs a different deck to play.
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Brawl: Ting Ting (Limited) (engl.)
