Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Doctor Lucky Ambivalence Pack (engl.)
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Doctor Lucky Ambivalence Pack (engl.)

Doctor Lucky Ambivalence Pack (engl.)
It is a dark day for Doctor Lucky. Or a bright one. You decide.The Doctor Lucky Ambivalence Pack contains two new game boards: one is an expansion board for Kill Doctor Lucky; set aboard the SS Afgang (a ship which; we swear; is not currently sinking). The other is an expansion board for Save Doctor Lucky; set within the very much on-fire Hotel DuBois.From the left side of the envelope: Kill Doctor Lucky aboard the SS Afgang! You and your unsavory cohorts find yourselves aboard a non-sinking ocean liner; the SS Afgang; along with that detestable old coot J. Robert Lucky. With no imminent peril and the uncanny notion that you?ve been here before; you are once again driven to pursue that most ancient and respected of hobbies; murdering an unsuspecting old man. And this time; you can close the doors.From the right side of the envelope: Save Doctor Lucky from the Hotel DuBois! You and your heroic friends find yourselves in a burning hotel in Atlanta; along with beloved philanthropist J. Robert Lucky. What a blessing to be able once again to save the old man from the terrors of a burning house; terrors to which the good doctor seems uniquely oblivious. Thank goodness you are equipped with warm blankets; flotation devices; and other items from an unknown cruise ship.You will need the cards; pieces; and rules from the original games to play these expansion boards. For the Kill Doctor Lucky expansion; you will also need one distinct token for each player (for closing doors).Kill Doctor Lucky or Save Doctor Lucky (see below)
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Doctor Lucky Ambivalence Pack (engl.)

Stichworte: http://www bimbel de/shop/spiele/art-CHE014 html