Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Secret Tijuana Deathmatch (engl.)
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Secret Tijuana Deathmatch (engl.)

Secret Tijuana Deathmatch (engl.)
Business is hell. Going out of business is worse.For some American businessmen; bankruptcy means years of hard work; a struggle to reclaim one?s hard-earned wealth and reputation by the application of fiscal conservatism and old-fashioned hard work.For others; it means a quick trip to Tijuana where smooth-talking wrestling promoters offer big bucks to any fool desperate enough to risk his life in the ring. As you might expect; this game is about option two.Secret Tijuana Deathmatch is a card game featuring clever strategy; funny wrestlers; and components from another game! Players take the roles of Mexican wrestling promoters; cajoling bankrupt and suicidal American businessmen into fighting in midnight deathmatches. The game begins with each player drafting a stable of five fighters; and plays out over several rounds as these fighters meet; fight; and die.This game is limited to 5;000 copies; because it uses counters recycled from the Atlas game; Spammers. Atlas overprinted its Spammers counters and gave us the surplus; so we?re only able to bring you this game for as long as those counters last!Designed by James Ernest; illustrated by Cheyenne Wright (Freeloader and James Ernest?s Totally Renamed Spy Game).
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Secret Tijuana Deathmatch (engl.)
