Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Runebound (engl.)
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Runebound (engl.)

Runebound (engl.)
Towns and Strongholds in Midnight Towns in Midnight are not friendly and welcoming places - they are either ruled by the Shadow or under siege by its armies. So understandably; they work rather differently in Runebound: Midnight than they do in the base game. Read on to find out how.The dark lords are gathering; ancient powers are awakening; and a chill has fallen across the land. It is a time of danger and rising evil. It is a time of fear for the weak and powerless. It is a time of heroes willing to face the darkness and bring the light of hope to a realm covered in shadow.The world of Runebound is a magical; dangerous world of powerful wizards; noble knights; vicious monsters; and power-mad tyrants. It is a world of great quests and mighty deeds. Above all; it is a world of legendary heroes; and the time has come for you to join them.
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Runebound (engl.)
