Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Runebound: Rituals and Runes (Exp.) (engl.)
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Runebound: Rituals and Runes (Exp.) (engl.)

Runebound: Rituals and Runes (Exp.) (engl.)
In the fight for glory and power; only one type of magic is more powerful than the legendary Runestones; and that is ritual magic. This expansion introduces a powerful new type of Item; rituals; which require you to roll and expend certain terrain symbols before they can be used. The trade-off: they are far more powerful and versatile than other Items of the same cost.This expansion includes 30 new market deck cards.
Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Runebound: Rituals and Runes (Exp.) (engl.)!

Runebound: Rituals and Runes (Exp.) (engl.)
