Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Dust (engl.)
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Dust (engl.)

Dust (engl.)
Players will probably recognize the map as that of Earth; but what they will not see are any borders or nations. In the world of Dust; the unending war and the new technologies have altered the political face of Earth beyond all recognition.The game map is divided into areas; both land and sea. Each area is either a normal area; a power source; or a capital. (Capitals are found only on land; but power sources can be found either on land or at sea!) Normal areas have no special traits; but they can be enhanced with production centers that allow players to produce their troops and more easily defend their territory. Capitals are easier to defend than normal areas and provide victory points. Each player starts with one capital and they are the core to any strategy. Finally; there are power sources. Like capitals; power sources provide victory points. Even more importantly; power sources provide the VK necessary to power the advanced armies used by the nations of Dust. A player may build units using the production points generated by his factories; but he may only count as many factories as he has power sources towards this total. Unpowered factories cannot produce armies!
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Dust (engl.)
