Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - A Game of Thrones (LCG): Princes of the Sun (Exp.) (engl.)
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A Game of Thrones (LCG): Princes of the Sun (Exp.) (engl.)

A Game of Thrones (LCG): Princes of the Sun (Exp.) (engl.)
Containing 120 cards - this set is an essential foundation for anyone looking to play House Martell in the A Game of Thrones LCG environment. Infamous Martell characters like Prince Doran and Princess Arianne Martell, Areo Hotah, Ser Arys Oakheart, Darkstar, the Daynes of Sunspear, and the Red Viper himself are featured, along with the staple building block cards necessary to make the Martells a competitive option. Hersteller: Fantasy Flight Games, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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A Game of Thrones (LCG): Princes of the Sun (Exp.) (engl.)

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