Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Warhammer Invasion: The Chaos Moon (Exp.) (engl.)
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Warhammer Invasion: The Chaos Moon (Exp.) (engl.)

Warhammer Invasion: The Chaos Moon (Exp.) (engl.)
In The Chaos Moon, the Dwarf brewer Josef Bugman brings his legendary ale to the hold, while the High Elves deliver the wrath of the massive Moon Dragon and the Empire?s wizards control the very forces of nature. Meanwhile, Papa Nurgle inflicts a horrific new disease upon the Old World, frenzying Witch Elves bathe themselves in blood, and the Orcs bash everything in sight!And all the while, the enigmatic Wood Elves watch from the forests... Hersteller: Fantasy Flight Games, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Warhammer Invasion: The Chaos Moon (Exp.) (engl.)
