Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons Minis. (Exp.) (e
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Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons Minis. (Exp.) (e

Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons Minis. (Exp.) (e
Last Night on Earth: Zombies With Grave Weapons Miniature Set. Any purchase of one or more of the following: Survival of the Fittest, LNOE: Hero Pack 1, and Zombies With Grave Weapons will include two alternate-image promo cards.The Zombies With Grave Weapons Miniature Set has 14 miniatures including 7 unique figure sculpts provided in both brown and green. These new Zombie minatures are a perfect companion to the Grave Weapons Card Deck in the Survival of the Fittest expansion, or can simply be used to expand and add variety to the Zombie players hoard. It also features two EXCLUSIVE new game cards only available in this set: A New Zombie Grave Weapon, the fearsome Crawling Torso! Hersteller: Flying Frog Productions, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Last Night on Earth: Zombies with Grave Weapons Minis. (Exp.) (e
