Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Kutuzov 1812: Defending Russia From Napoleon (engl.)
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Kutuzov 1812: Defending Russia From Napoleon (engl.)

Kutuzov 1812: Defending Russia From Napoleon (engl.)
In all of the scenarios; the Imperial Powers have an initial advantage in numbers; leadership; Resources; and Morale. They are; after all; an Army that has never known defeat; a superb military instrument; led by the most powerful man in Europe with his devoted retinue of almost legendary Marshals. They face an enemy who has not tasted victory in Battle in nearly a generation; let alone full-scale war of the likes of which Napoleon wages.The French must take advantage of their superiority quickly; as that will soon dissipate in the immense marshes; unending steppes and fiercely fought over fields and cities of Russia. If they do not or can not succeed; then the advantage slips away to the forces of the Tsar; who; under Kutuzov; will not just be defending Russia; but will be advancing into the outer marches of that yet fragile empire led by their archenemy? Napoleon.
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Kutuzov 1812: Defending Russia From Napoleon (engl.)
