Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Streetcar (engl.)
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Streetcar (engl.)

Streetcar (engl.)
In Streetcar; players try to build a trolley route across New Orleans; competing against other players who are trying to build their own route. Each player has specific locations that they must build to; laying track one square at a time; adding new twists and turns to the board. When two players disagree about where things should go; the tracks can become a jumble of loops and dead ends. You must place your track as best you can to navigate your route. The first player to build a complete route and race their trolley through all the right stops wins!A wonderful game. Games Magazine; December 1996100 BEST GAMES OF 1996- GAMES MAGAZINERunner-up German Game of the Year 1995
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Streetcar (engl.)
