Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Right Turn, Left Turn (engl.)
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Right Turn, Left Turn (engl.)

Right Turn, Left Turn (engl.)
There are 7 Traffic Officer cards that are arranged in a circle on the table. Players will see the Officer either from the front or from the back. When playing the game; (starting from one Officer) 3 directions must be followed - sometimes they go to the left; sometimes to the right.The challenge is to figure out which way is left or right from the Officers point of view. This is determined by noticing which way the Officer is facing; either towards the players or away from them. All players race to figure out which card the directions point to after the 3 movementsThe first player to call out the symbol on the final Destination card receives the Direction card as a point; and the player with the most Direction cards at the end of the game is the winner!
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Right Turn, Left Turn (engl.)
