Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Smart Party (engl.)
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Smart Party (engl.)

Smart Party (engl.)
Name a popular TV series of the 70s... name a handymans tool... name a stinky cheese... Each category has several correct answers. Can you guess them all? Well, you dont need to... a couple good answers is all youll need.Each round, one players selects a random category card. The other players try to come up with all the answers on the card. If your answer is wrong, you have to take a Penalty... but if youre correct...YOU GET TO WEAR THE SMARTYPANTS! WOOHOO! (Thats right.. the game comes with a snazzy little pair of Smartypants! A new height in fashion!)Its all about coming in last. The last correct player gets the Pants, the last player wearing the Pants gets the bonus and...LAST PLACE WINS!Smarty Party - The hip party game where its cool to be the last to know... Hersteller: R&R Games, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Smart Party (engl.)
