Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Sunken City (engl.)
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Sunken City (engl.)

Sunken City (engl.)
Hundreds of years ago; a wealthy city was struck by a gigantic tidal wave. While the wave destroyed everything in its path; the city sank beneath the waters nearly intact. It now rests at the bottom of a deep lake; its treasures guarded by Neptune.Use your magical powers to raise portions of the city from the deep waters. Search for treasure and keep what you can - but beware Neptunes wrath; as he stalks and tries to overtake you. Gather all the treasure you can from the Sunken City!Sunken City (engl.) Taktikspiel von Wolfgang KramerMichael Kielsing; 2 bis 4 Spieler ab 10 Jahre; Spieldauer ca. 60 Minuten; Überplay (2004)
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Sunken City (engl.)
