Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Perry Rhodan: Cosmic League (engl.)
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Perry Rhodan: Cosmic League (engl.)

Perry Rhodan: Cosmic League (engl.)
As commanders of the Cosmic League, the players use their spaceships to transport goods and passengers between the six planets. For this they receive a certain number of Megagalax(1 Megagalax equals 1,000,000 Galax, the currency unit of the Cosmic League). The players may spend the earned Megagalax to buy technologies to facilitate their tasks. But they must not forget the main objective of the game because the first player who reaches a total of 70 Megagalax will win the game.A strategic two player game set in one of the most prolific and best selling universes in science fiction. Discover Perry Rhodan and the Cosmic League for yourself! Hersteller: Z-Man Games, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Perry Rhodan: Cosmic League (engl.)
