Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Pick Picknic (engl.)
Zurück: Paris, Paris (engl.) Weiter: Pickomino (engl.)

Pick Picknic (engl.)

Pick Picknic (engl.)
A corn; please! is the cry heard from many fowl mouths at the cold buffets in the many poultry yards. Game hens; pheasants; ducks; geese; and turkeys seem to be always hungry - never getting enough to eat. In Pick Picknic; a real feast awaits them! The fox is also always hungry and ready to eat; but from a somewhat different menu;... Chickens; geese; and ducks; become happily plump when they are able to eat well and often. Such is not different for the clever fox; who will eat all manner of incautious fowl... At the end of the game; the player who has gotten the plumpest poultry and the most nutricious corn is the winner!
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Pick Picknic (engl.)
