Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Pickomino (engl.)
Zurück: Pick Picknic (engl.) Weiter: Pizarro & Co. (engl.)

Pickomino (engl.)

Pickomino (engl.)
Roasted worms are a bird?s delight. On one hand this is due to the fact that worms are the favourite dish of all poultry. On the other hand; the preference for barbecue worms is nobody else?s doing but of Johnny Rooster Roaster. His Uncle Sam; a native from Chickentown Kentucky; had the idea to open up a worm roasting house at each corner of town. Johnny didn?t hesitate to make this idea a reality and since their first days as worm-barbecue masters their roasting joints have found no lack of eager and famished customers. And the customers keep coming. All over the place; chicken folk have started to gather worms and supply them to Johnny. Whether Curry Worm; Roast?n Worm or Frankfurter Worm: poultry of all sorts are standing in line to taste one of these specialties. For Johnny and his new found business the following stands: from worm hunter to millionaire!
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Pickomino (engl.)
